Making money online can be accomplished through a variety of different forms, whether you are looking to sell information based services or products at a deeper discount than any of the brick and mortar facilities. It is important to note that if you go the product route, you really have to be competitive on price, unless of course you have a specialty angle. Selling clothes online gives you the opportunity to take advantage of either platform, either by creating your own specialty line of clothing and selling at premium prices or by selling existing brands at a price that is competitive with major retailers. Either way you will need an Ecommerce site that will help you easily facilitate order fulfillment and collect payments.
Starting your fashion Ecommerce site is easy. What you will need is a hosting plan and a merchant account in order to set up online credit card payments. If you are going to be doing business online, then you really need to be able to accept credit cards, either through traditional means (the merchant account) or through payment brokers (like Paypal). Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. While you do not have to pay anything upfront for a PayPal account, for instance, you do have to forfeit a percentage of each sale. Merchant accounts charge a flat rate that will not cut in to your sales once the monthly premium has been paid. Whichever method you choose, you need an online shopping cart that will make checkout easy and successful.
Your hosting provider should be able to set you up with all the tools that you need to succeed. They should also be able to guide you through round the clock customer service and easy to understand tutorials on how each procedure should be handled. What they cannot do for you, however, is come up with product and price it competitively. If you are not making your own clothing, then you need to have a good wholesaler, who can set you up with name brand merchandise at a discount rate. Some wholesalers may even be willing to drop ship items for you, so you never have to handle product yourself. Through it all, price is of the utmost importance, because that’s one of the key reasons people shop online in the first place: to get better deals.
Once you have all the tools in place, it is simply a matter of getting out there and promoting your business to the masses. Start with friends and family. Create a page on Facebook and other popular social networking platforms. Use viral marketing, word of mouth, and special discount promotions, and before you know it, you’ll have more business than you can handle.