How You Can Become A Plus Size Model

The world of modeling takes hard work, determination and a desire to succeed. Becoming a plus size model can potentially be even more difficult. Not only do you have to find niche markets that work with plus size models, you have to be secure and confident with yourself and your body to present a positive image to those who might look up to you. Modeling isn’t for everyone, and if you aren’t in it for the long haul it may be the wrong profession for you. However, if you think you have what it takes to become a plus size model there are several things you should know.

The modeling industry has always been know to cater to the waif-thin, so breaking into the plus size modeling business can seem nearly impossible. However, the modeling industry has increasingly been opening its eyes to the potential of plus size models and are starting to realize the beauty in a curvy figure. Your first step in becoming a plus size model is to call up local and nationwide modeling agencies to see if they work with plus size models. If they do, you’ll want to set up an appointment to meet with the agency. You may also want to research when the next open call will be, because many agencies have them. Attending auditions and open calls is an essential part of the modeling business, and can help get your name and face out there.

Before attending your agency appointment, the agency will expect to see a portfolio of photographs of you. You’ll want to hire a professional photographer to conduct a mini photo shoot with you modeling a variety of different fashions. Arm yourself with at least 5 to 10 photographs that show off your range. Hiring a professional photographer isn’t cheap, but if you end up landing a job it’s well worth the price.

During your interview, you want to keep your look simple and understated, yet classy. If you decide to wear makeup, wear very little. It’s probably best to wear no makeup at all, so the agency can see your real beauty. Don’t dress too extravagantly, but take care not to err on the side of casual either. In other words, flip flops and a t-shirt aren’t great, but neither is a floor length formal gown. Keep it somewhere in the middle, and be honest and open with any questions the agency asks you.

While of course you must have beauty to become a plus size model, beauty actually isn’t everything. You must also be knowledgeable about the industry and keep up to date with the latest styles, makeup trends, and what’s hot now. Practice posing and walking, because those are essential skills all models must have. By staying on top of your game, you’ll remain a step ahead of the competition every time.

Breaking into the plus size model industry can be difficult. You must not only be knowledgeable about the industry, but you must also have an intense desire to succeed no matter what. Plus, if you do become a model it takes a lot of hard work and effort on your part to stay within the standards of the modeling industry. With patience, tenacity, luck and hard work there’s every possibility that you could become a plus size model.

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