You could be selling the worst product in the world and it is not the product that would get the potential customers to look your way, it is the exhibit design. How your trade show exhibit looks is how your customers will come to associate the product that you are promoting. A drab design will not cause curiosity; it can have an opposite affect on your product. The design of your exhibit will stay in the customer’s mind whether they visited your exhibit or not. To be successful in a trade show you must have an exhibit that is aesthetically pleasing and drives your message right home to customer.
For an exhibit to be exciting and draw the eyes of your potential clients, the latest architectural designs must be used to create an illusion that you are on the cutting edge of technology. Stainless steel and glass often give that illusion of a futuristic world that is there for the taking. Plastics in vibrant color also give the customer a feel that they are in exhibit that has taken the possibilities of technology to the man’s greatest limits. The exhibit sign must look like it does not belong in the presence of the other exhibits because it is a one of a kind presentation that overshadows all the rest.
A good trade show exhibit design usually uses modular pieces. These pieces can be designed and redesigned to meet the demands of a fickle audience or to blend with the theme of the trade show. The modular pieces can use graphics to grab the attention of the passerby and at the same time give information and statistics to why your product or service is the best they can find. You can change the modular design to meet space requirements or to best fit your audience’s needs. The modular can also be fitted to include desks and book racks so that your products can be properly displayed.
The exhibit design is a reflection of the manufacturer, but with the options of how you can manipulate that design is up to your imagination and your need. You can add to your exhibit design by including banners or video. Sometimes a visual video played in the background will draw a crowd. The videos can also keep a customer busy while you are waiting on another. Your imagination is the limit when choosing a display. The design should promote your product and at the same time create a visually appealing area in which your product or service can be displayed.