If your intuition is telling you that your husband has started an adulterous affair, you need to do a bit of investigative work. Women’s intuition is a very powerful thing. When our husband starts to pull away, even ever so slightly we begin to wonder what is going on. If you suspect that your husband has a girlfriend you need to start paying closer attention to certain things.
One of the easiest ways to determine whether your husband has a girlfriend involves his car. In many families the wife is the one who tends to drive the family car more whereas her husband has his own vehicle. If you think your husband may be cheating take a few minutes to check out his car. The first thing you should do is check the passenger seat for any wayward hairs. If he’s been spending time with his new lady friend in the car, there will likely be a few long brown, black or blonde hairs on the head rest. If the color of the hair is different than yours and he hasn’t mentioned driving a friend or relative anywhere, your husband may have another woman in his life. Also try and track his typical mileage back and forth to work. If he doesn’t do many errands in the car, yet the mileage is higher every week than it should be, he might be driving to meet his girlfriend.
If you are responsible for laundry duties some or all of the time, you may be able to use this to your advantage when it comes to determining if your husband has a girlfriend. Check his shirts for any signs of wayward make up. Although we’ve all heard about lipstick on the collar, many women also leave smudges of eye shadow, mascara or blush on a man’s shirt if they are embracing. In addition to looking the shirt over smell it. Any hint of a feminine fragrance and you know something is amiss.
Many men become adept at covering up their emotions when they are having an affair. Many also become brazen with contacting their mistress including emailing her from their home computer or even talking to her on their cell late at night when they think you are asleep. If you think your husband has a girlfriend try and sneak up on him when he’s using his computer or cell. There’s no use trying to read what he is writing over his shoulder or leaning in close to hear what he is saying but pay attention to his body language. If he’s typing on his computer and he has a big smile on his face, that may be a sign that he’s emailing or instant messaging his lover. The same applies when he’s on the phone. If he’s talking quietly yet smiling broadly, that’s usually not a positive sign.