Graphic design is a skill that is very much in-demand. The way things look matter to society so it is important to create high-quality design for ads, banners, logos, websites and web content. There is no need to be a professional to produce shareable content since it is easy to add design elements to existing photos with just a few taps on a phone.
However, tech tools are only part of it all. A designer should develop a keen eye for things that visually work and those that keep viewers from getting the message. The 3 basic web design principles to remember in creating graphics and working with visuals are the following:
When a design has several elements, the designer should make sure to give more visual weight to the most important message. This is referred to as hierarchy, which can be achieved in many different ways such as bolder/larger fonts, positioning the most important message literally higher than the rest of the information and making use of shapes to surround and highlight the focal point. Using visual hierarchy in web design begins with the message as well as the design goals.
First of all, it is crucial to find out the most important details. Probably web owners would like the design’s main message to come in the form of a quote or want viewers to know how to follow them or know they have a sale.
The main message should be visually established as the focal point and to make it pop, it can have larger text/shapes. Afterward, the secondary message can be included without making it look overpowering.
As a suggestion, it would help to design the main message then add more text and use iOS’design wheel to get ideas on how to design several elements in a single design. As an alternative, when using social media, the secondary message can be conveyed in the copy/comment portion.
Balance provides a sense of stability to a design gives its form and helps distribute the elements evenly all over the design. Such even spacing makes it look professional and aesthetically pleasing rather than disorderly and confusing. The principle of balance does not necessarily mean that elements have to be of the same size or distributed evenly throughout the page. It can either be symmetrically or asymmetrically balanced.
With symmetrical balance, the elements have the same visual weight on either side of the design while asymmetrical balance makes use of contrast to make the design flow even (like light elements balanced out by dark elements).
Another important part of design is color and this should be carefully thought of whenever starting with a new design. Colors dictate the mood of a web design and each has something different to say. People associate the color green with the environment or non-profits whereas red can arouse emotions like anger.
Blue is a passive color that is more calming while yellow gives a sense of happiness. People do not need to know more about color theory to come up with the right colors. They can combine colors based on the image they use. To make it more legible, it would help to use a gradient background for text most especially if text color is similar. This will let the text pop.